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What’s Your Story?: Tyrah Majors: Memories with My Grammy

“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards and challenges of publishing, etc. They can go in whatever direction they choose. We are excited and grateful for their willingness to share, and we hope you enjoy Tyrah Majors’s story. Go here for more WYS? Posts

Valma Mosby was a timeless woman — fabulous in every way — the perfect example of a strong, smart woman and another great Black female role model I had to look up to. She was my great-grandma, and like most, spoiling her grandbabies with whatever they wanted, giving wise words left and right, and telling stories from “back in her day.”

I wanted an opportunity to tell OUR story after cancer took her life in 2014. 

It was my sophomore year of college when she left my family and me. Months after I got the news, I found myself doodling and scribbling in my journal during a long math class. I started to write down my childhood memories with my grandmother as I remembered them. Each line I wrote was a play by play of our summer days spent together. Both my parents worked full-time jobs, so when I was out of school, they sent me to her house to care for me. Those were the best days.

Writing about my memories with my grammy served as a coping mechanism in my grieving process. There was something therapeutic about putting happy thoughts on paper. The lines seemed simple and relatable enough for a child to understand and enjoy.

That’s when I decided to turn my math-class journal entries into a short children’s book. I typed up my drafts, drew some pictures to pair along with the pages, and got to researching. Grammy and Me was published in early 2018.

My goal in publishing this story was not only to find a way to cherish my great-grandmothers legacy but to help children all around the world to find joy in celebrating their grandparents.

I know I succeeded in telling my story when I read Grammy and Me to young children and I hear them say things like, “That’s what I do with my grandma!” Or even hear them express that they want to read this book with their grandparent at a later time.

I hope that for years to come, family values and bonding can continue to be a primary fixture in children’s literature. Be on the lookout for My Papa and Me next. 

Tyrah Majors was born and raised in San Diego, California. She is a journalist, talk show host, and children’s book author. After the passing of her great grandmother in 2014, she wrote Grammy and Me to capture and celebrate the beautiful memories of their summers spent together.

Connect with Tyrah Majors:

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Grammy and Me | Tyrah Majors | Hill and Oaks Publishers, Inc. | November 1, 2016

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