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What’s Your Story?: Leah Osakwe: Just the Beginning

“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards and challenges of publishing, etc. They can go in whatever direction they choose. We are excited and grateful for their willingness to share, and we hope you enjoy Leah Osakwe’s story. Go here for more WYS? posts.

I fell in love with reading at a very young age. According to my mum, I would spend so much time reading at nursery that I was known as the “nursery bookworm.” When I was a little older, borrowing books from the library was one of my favorite things to do. The maximum amount we could borrow was twelve, and without fail, I would borrow just that. I could finish one in just a few hours.

Immersing myself in fictional worlds and escaping into the minds of lovable protagonists inspired me to tell my own stories. So, I did. I wrote countless “books” whenever I could. At that time, our computer was painfully slow, hideously chunky, and could just about handle a few games and Microsoft Word before it crashed. When I wasn’t trying my luck at Solitaire or failing to imitate Van Gogh on Paint, I typed for hours on end. Elaborate tales, twists and turns, and relatable characters would flow from my thoughts, into my fingertips, and onto the screen. 

I still have one of the stories I hand wrote at nine years old. I even “illustrated” the whole thing. It’s dog-eared now, 17 years later, but I’ll try my best to keep it forever.

My passion for writing halted during University and my first couple of years of work. I didn’t really have the time or the energy. But that desire to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) returned a couple of years ago. I knew I wanted to write an over-the-top, funny, relatable book—one that I’d have loved to read when I was younger, with characters that look like me, my family, and my friends. So, I went for it. I started writing Nonny’s Birthday Bash: Confetti & Catastrophe at the end of 2019. When I was made redundant during the pandemic in 2020, I was determined to finish and self-publish the book by the end of the year. And I did it!

I don’t think we’ve yet normalized the idea that Black characters, created by Black authors, can simply exist. Black children deserve to read books where they’re just enjoying their daily lives, facing everyday issues that aren’t related to their race. That was my aim for Nonny’s Birthday Bash and the entire Absolutely Nonny series.

I want the series to delight readers, make them laugh out loud, make them think, “Nonny is just like me!” I’m overjoyed that I’ve started to achieve this, but there are still so many minds to reach, hearts to touch, and bookshelves to fill. This is just the beginning. 

Nonny’s Birthday Bash: Confetti & Catastrophe (Leah Osakwe, Priscilla Bampoh, Nielsen, November 28, 2020, 196 Pages) 

Available now in the US and UK!

Connect with Leah Osakwe
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