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Our Stories Matter Review: Bedtime for Sweet Creatures

Multi-award-winning author and poet, Nikki Grimes gifts the reader with a fun and relatable story that shows the nighttime interaction between a mother and child. As the mother attempts to get her child into bed for the night, she says:

“Come sweet creature. It’s bedtime.”

And, an example of her child taking on the characteristics, sounds, and movements of various animals to avoid giving in to sleep reads:

“Later, you bound out of bed, sly wolf on the hunt for water.”

Artist Elizabeth Zunon’s simple but sensational oil and acrylic illustrations accentuate Grimes’ words and give life to the growling, loping, and crouching creatures. 

Although this bedtime back and forth is typical across all cultures, Black families and those who care for Black children will appreciate the visually stunning characters. The bald, goateed dad, the teeny-weeny afroed mom with hoop earrings, and their beautiful child with that wayward, springy curl represent a Black family just living life–and trying to get some sleep.

Bedtime for Sweet Creatures is a wonderful and creative ode to the sometimes-challenging bedtime routine. With its lively lyrics and vivid visuals, it’s sure to become a nighttime favorite in many homes.

Bedtime for Sweet Creatures

Nikki Grimes | Elizabeth Zunon | Sourcebooks Jabberwocky | January 14, 2020 | PB | Ages 0-6 | 32 Pages 

Purchase: Amazon | IndieBound

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