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What’s Your Story?: Ekiuwa Aire: Idia of the Benin Kingdom

“What’s Your Story?” is a guest post feature on BCBA’s blog. Indie/Self-Published authors are invited to write about their books, writing journey, creative process, inspiration, rewards and challenges of publishing, etc. They can go in whatever direction they choose. We are excited and grateful for their willingness to share, and we hope you enjoy Ekiuwa Aire’s story. Go here for more WYS? Posts.

As a first-generation Nigerian-born Canadian mom and author, I have always wanted my kids to understand and be proud of their history and heritage. Africa has a vast collection of impressive cultures and legendary heroes. But there aren’t that many options for books that tell these stories. 

If you want to read or buy an African-centric children’s book, you’ll have to go far and wide to find a book that celebrates Africa without diluting its culture. To right this situation, I embarked on an adventure to become a children’s book author.

My first book is about Queen Idia of the Ancient Kingdom of Benin. Idia of the Benin Kingdom takes readers on a beautifully illustrated journey to the 1500s in Ancient Africa. Readers are captivated as they watch Idia transform herself from the young and curious daughter of a village warrior to becoming the Queen of the Kingdom of Benin.

This book teaches about perseverance, hard work, devotion, kindness, generosity, and love, it speaks to how we can be inspired to strive for our goal if we believe in them. Idia of the Benin Kingdom is a precious storybook that empowers young girls to create a vision of who they want to be as they create limitless possibilities for their future.

To create more learning opportunities about the culture I shared in my book, I also created an accompanying activity and coloring book Idia of the Benin Kingdom Coloring and Activity Book. 

My goal is to nudge the world to a point where there is an avid learning culture for African History and that people of African descent are at least as exposed to African History as they are to Western History.

I decided to self publish this book because I wanted to own every aspect of the narrative. From the manuscript to the illustrations and how Africans are depicted to the marketing of the book. I’m looking to ensure that every aspect of my project is celebrating and sharing positive information on Africa.

To be honest, I also thought self-publishing would be easy. Write, illustrate, sell books. Boy was I wrong, it has certainly not been easy. I have spent 4 years putting this first book together, but I have enjoyed every minute of bringing this ancestor to life in my version of her story.

Ekiuwa Aire has always loved reading and writing. She co-authored her first book titled Americana just as she was graduating from high school. She never published that book. Life began, and Ekiuwa embarked on a Data Engineering career. Ekiuwa became inspired to write children’s books to share information about African history with her daughters and the world. Her first book Idia of the Benin Kingdom is currently available for pre-order.

Connect with Ekiuwa Aire to get your signed copy:

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Idia of the Benin Kingdom

Ekiuwa Aire | Alina Shabelnyk | Our Ancestories | November 1, 2020 | 40 Pages

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